FLowie for small businesses & startups
Invoice and cash flow management for small businesses
We help small businesses manage supplier and customer invoices and cash flows with the help of no code automations. We make supplier payments easy, and we help accelerate payments from your customers.
Manage supplier and customer invoices and POs effortlessly
Automate your incoming and outgoing cash flows
Connect Flowie in minutes to your ecosystem of tools
Comply with e-invoicing worldwide
Automate invoice and cash flow management to focus on business growth
Manage vendor and client invoices and POs effortlessly
Manage vendor and client invoices
You can centralize all your vendor and client invoices within Flowie. Gain visbility on the statuses of all invoices, and give visibility to your suppliers.
Manage POs if you have the process in place
We manage POs, and we link them with invoices and payments. So if you have the process in place, it's taken care of.

Automate your incoming and outgoing cash flows

Connect your bank accounts
In just a few clicks, link all your accounts with Flowie. This enables you to track all past transactions and associate them with POs and invoices, with the help of our AI Copilot.
Gain 100% visibility and control on all cash flows
Managing incoming cash flows from clients can be challenging, but we assist you in gaining unmatched visibility and control over your client's payment process.
Connect Flowie in minutes to your ecosystem of tools
Connect your accounting software or ERP
We synchronise bidirectionally with your accounting software or ERP : when you create an invoice, we collect it to send it, and when you receive an invoice, we push it back to the accounting software or ERP after validation and/or payment.
Connect to all your other tools
To make your life easier, we connect with collaboration platforms, with databases, with CRMs, with BI platforms etc...

Comply with e-invoicing worldwide

Comply to all tax regulations
We are compliant with e-invoicing and CTC regulations in more than 60+ countries.
Send invoices that are electronically signed
Flowie allows you to send invoices that are signed by a third party, helping against fraud.